Friday, October 24, 2008

The top of the airbox is held together with the bolts on top, one on each side and one at the front
The two tabs at the back of the airbox must be removed for it to fit under the tank
With a speed handle the screws come out quickly
The airbox is screwed to the carbs with three holes that line up.
The adapter plate is held to the carbs with four screws on the bottom of the adapter plate and home weather stripping is used along the edges to seal it up.
The screws that hold the airbox to the carbs are a finer thread. The smaller one is 5mm x 0.8 if I recall. To use the same socket for all the bolts I just used a die to rethread a 10mm bolt with a 6mm thread down. This took 15 minutes, but it takes five less minutes each time I take the carbs off by not having swap sockets and walk to my tool box.
The crankcase vent hose I just stuck a plastic elbow in it and then put quicksteel around it so it would fit, crude but it works. The Carb float bowl mod is the clear hose, rather than venting it up, I twisted the vents down and the hose comes down between the carbs, mates at a tri fitting and then into the hole seen. Since I don’t ride in the rain much (that hole is a drain hole from the air box) it is not an issue.

The intake is the stock intake with the elbow bend up part cut off. I took a scrap piece of ABS and shaped with heat to fit in the intake of the airbox. Then I used duct tape in several layers, since duct tape is flexable it allows the whole thing to be compressed in (the plastic keeps it from deforming) and does not crack or break.
Just on the inside of the lip of the airbox intake hole I put weather stripping (the sticky side should be perpendicular to the opening or stuck to the little lip you see inside the opening) this allows it to seal.

I had a piece of plastic filling the other hole and duct tape keeping it in, but the ZX6 cables would not fit like that, so I heated it up and just mashed it in so they would fit. Doesn’t look pretty, but it works. Be Careful if you do this, you don’t want to melt a hole or deform the mating rim of the airbox. I did, but I know how to fix it and had I been thinking ahead I wouldn’t of had too.
Another view of the intake and the weather stripping.
The adapter plate is held on with screws

Quarter inch delrin, ABS will melt when it comes in contact with gasoline, delrin will not.

the velocity stacks (intake trumpets) have a groove that accepts about ¼ inch, now you just need to cut the holes.
The holes are about 45mm in diameter (this is important) with a notch at the bottom and a hole at the top. You want it to look like the one on the bike. The hole that the stacks go in is the only part size that is crucial, the notches and the upper hole are just breather holes for the carbs, so you don’t have to worry as much. I have all the dimensions if you need them, but you should be able to get them off your bike. You want to make one like the one you take off the ZXR airbox.

Then you just put it all back together.
I took all the pictures and stuff just now, it took me 2 and ½ minutes to put the airbox and tank back on. Oh, and the holes should be 31.5mm from the bottom to clear the rail the carbs are all attached too.

Let me know if you need anything else.